Authors are instructed to follow the below guidelines for submission of the abstract.
There are varying presentation lengths depending on the type of session you are presenting within the program. The common presentation length is 8 minutes/paper and 2 minutes for clarifying queries.
Presentations should be prepared in the widescreen format with a ratio of 16:9.
Images, Figures, Video, and Audio will be preferred more over Text in PPT.
Invited speakers have 20 minutes in total, and they should plan to speak for about 15 min, leaving 5 min. for questions.
There is NO EXCUSE for exceeding your allotted time. It is a discourtesy to your audience, the Session Chair and the other speakers to take up more than your allotted time. The Session Chairs are instructed to adhere to the printed schedule for the session. With parallel sessions this is critical to the overall success of the conference.
We focus on knowledge sharing based on video, image and graphical presentations, which is why it is best if you synchronize your slides with your presentation to facilitate better understanding.