Urologic Oncology and Uropathology

Abstract Submission Instructions and Guidelines :

Abstracts are invited on the Conference sessions and tracks. The abstract must be written in good English and provide an informative summarizing the research work.

  Font- Times New Roman

  Font Size

  • Title: 14 pts
  • List of authors: 12 pts
  • Affiliations: 10 pts
  • Presenting author’s email: 10 pts
  • Main body of text: 12 pts.
  • Key Words: 12 pts, italics.

  The overall word count of the abstract should not exceed 250 words.

  Abstract body : The abstract shall comprise of an introduction, aim & objectives, methods, results, summary, conclusion, keywords and biography of author as per the given template.

  Mention the logo of your respective University/ College and professional photograph of presenting author.

  Please make use of the template given in website while drafting your abstract for a poster or oral presentation.