
Dermatological Surgery and Oncology

Full Paper / Abstract Submission

  • At least one author for every accepted paper is required to be registered for a conference for that paper to appear in the proceedings and be scheduled for presentation.
  • Only word format should be submitted
  • Abstract should be submitted as per the format, (format template can be downloaded here using the Link or for further assistance contact @ WhatsApp +91-6369025361/ +91-9345907112

Featured Speakers

"Engage with thought-provoking viewpoints our distinguished speakers."

Dr. Farnaz Dadmanesh,
Los Angeles, CA
Dr. Dinesh Pradhan,
Omaha, NE

Journal & Publication

"Explore the latest research and insights in our distinguished journal"


Experimental Oncology

ISSN : 1812-926

Cureus Journal of Medical science

ISSN : 2168-8184

Featured Abstract

"Recognized as the Best Oral and Poster Presentations during the “Dermatological Surgery and Oncology"

Effect of Botanical leaf priming on physiological changes in chickpea
Plant Based Nanoparticles And Their Potential Applications

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Join Us Partnership & Collaboration

"Join forces for success: Partner with us for collaborative opportunities that drive innovation and growth."

Awards & Recognition

"Celebrating Excellence: Honoring Achievements, Inspiring Success."

Best Oral Presentation Award
Best Poster Presentation Award
Plant Leader Award
Defender of the Earth


"Unite for innovation: Collaboration, where opportunity fuels growth."