
Dermatological Surgery and Oncology

Journal Publication

At IAIO, each submitted article goes through a rigorous peer review process involving multiple reviewers and experts in the field. We firmly believe that the peer-review publication process is an essential element of academia, and it must be maintained with the utmost integrity. Reviewers in the respective fields offer their insights and recommendations to enhance the quality of submissions.

Experimental Oncology

ISSN : 1812-926

Indexing : Scopus and PubMed

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Cureus Journal of Medical science

ISSN : 2168-8184

Indexing : PubMed and ESCI

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European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine

ISSN : 2544-2406 / 2544-1361

Indexing : Scopus

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Major steps involved in publishing a research paper from the manuscript preparation to publication are as follows


Ethics and publication practices are crucial aspects of the scholarly community to ensure the integrity, credibility, and reliability of research. For the Dermatological Surgery and Oncology, participants and authors are expected to adhere to ethical standards and avoid publication malpractices. Here is key principles

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Dr. Farnaz Dadmanesh,
Los Angeles, CA
Dr. Dinesh Pradhan,
Omaha, NE

Journal & Publication

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Experimental Oncology

ISSN : 1812-926

Cureus Journal of Medical science

ISSN : 2168-8184

Featured Abstract

"Recognized as the Best Oral and Poster Presentations during the “Dermatological Surgery and Oncology"

Effect of Botanical leaf priming on physiological changes in chickpea
Plant Based Nanoparticles And Their Potential Applications

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