Journal Publication
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European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine
ISSN : 2544-2406 / 2544-1361
Indexing : Scopus
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Ethics and publication practices are crucial aspects of the scholarly community to ensure the integrity, credibility, and reliability of research. For the Dermatological Surgery and Oncology, participants and authors are expected to adhere to ethical standards and avoid publication malpractices. Here is key principles
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Title : Assessing the interactive effects of elevated ozone and carbon dioxide on behavioural changes of pollinators in Indian mustard
Gayathri JawaharJothi
Organization : ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa Campus, India
It is rare in clinical practice to encounter complete heart block co-occuring with tachyarrhythmias.
View AbstractTitle : Effect of Botanical leaf priming on physiological changes in chickpea
Kamini Kaushal1, Kumari Rajani2, Ravi Ranjan Kumar3, Anand Kumar4, Megha kumari5, Twinkle Jena5
Organization : Indian Agricultural Research Institute
It is rare in clinical practice to encounter complete heart block co-occuring with tachyarrhythmias.
View AbstractTitle : Plant Based Nanoparticles And Their Potential Applications
V. K. Linima*, R. Ragunathan, Jesteena Johney
Organization : Centre for Bioscience and Nanoscience Research
It is rare in clinical practice to encounter complete heart block co-occuring with tachyarrhythmias.
View AbstractTitle : Strength Properties Of Pavement Base Materials Stabilized With Sugarcane Bagasse Ash And Crushed Mangima Stone As Coarse Aggregate
Vera Karla S. Caingles
Organization : University Of Science And Technology Of Southern Philippines
It is rare in clinical practice to encounter complete heart block co-occuring with tachyarrhythmias.
View AbstractTitle : Status of Forest Cover Density in the Shivaliks of Haryana (India)
Dr. Sandeep Gupta
Organization : Institute of Environmental Studies, Kurukshetra University, India
It is rare in clinical practice to encounter complete heart block co-occuring with tachyarrhythmias.
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